
We work with you to increase your leadership effectiveness. We tailor our approach to meet your requirements, and we agree on specific outcomes. Typically, the following elements are included:
In our initial conversation, we agree on the desired outcomes, time frame, and approach. We also talk about mutual expectations, clarify who does what and confirm your organization's commitment and support. This agreement serves as the foundation for our working relationship.
Key colleagues are identified for the coach to interview, including your peers and people who work for you. A summary of their confidential responses and your self-assessment provides a multi-dimensional perspective on your strengths and your opportunities for learning.
Your personal and professional goals provide the focus for a coaching plan. The plan includes specifics about your goals, actions to be taken, and how the coach will help. It also provides the basis for evaluating your progress and determining future developmental strategies.
Face-to-face and/or telephone sessions accelerate new understanding and behavioral shifts. These are conducted over three to twelve months. Guided by your goals and emerging issues, the format and content are flexible. Each session concludes with a summary of what was learned and what actions you will take next.
At the end of our work together, the coach, client, and sponsor meet to assess progress, strategies learned, and impact on the client and the organization. This provides an opportunity to reflect on the process, define what helped and/or hindered success, and determine how to proceed.
Once specific goals are accomplished, we identify what will best support the changes you have made, and what is needed to continue learning and development. At the end of an initial coaching engagement, clients identify new goals, which they pursue with the coach or on their own.

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