
An effectively designed and facilitated meeting enables a group to improve the way it explores issues, resolves problems, and makes decisions to increase overall group performance. In partnership with each client, Claros consultants design a rigorous and participatory process. There are three steps involved in designing the meeting.
Step One: Define the work and identify participants

Project specifics are agreed upon during an initial conversation between the client and Claros consultants. This includes desired outcomes, time frame, mutual expectations, roles, resources and next steps. This agreement serves as the foundation for the working relationship.
Step Two: How to Have a Great Meeting

You can ensure a great meeting by planning what needs to happen, managing the opening and the closing, and following through for results. For an easy to follow guide, click HERE.
Step Three: Debrief the Work

At the end of our work together, the client and Claros consultants meet to assess results achieved and lessons learned. This conversation provides an opportunity to reflect on the process, define what helped and hindered success, determine what could have been done differently, and identify specific follow-up actions. Our aim is to deliberate productively on the questions that matter most to the client.

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